San Fran Scapin
Adapted from The Trickeries of Scapin by Molière
Adapted and Directed by Anne McNaughton
The Play: Molière’s Scapin is a return to his commedia dell'arte roots, a rollicking farce about young lovers, cranky parents, and most of all witty servants. Anne McNaughton's contemporary adaptation sets the action on the San Francisco waterfront during the height of the California Gold Rush, turning Molière’s troupe of comic characters into cowboys, sidekicks, dancehall girls, greedy bankers, sourdoughs, gunslingers, and Old Californio dons, re-imagining the witty servants, star-crossed lovers, and long-lost foundlings typical of commedia into Barbary Coast denizens.
Dates: April 20 – May 22, 2005. Wednesday nights at 8PM, Saturday/Sunday matinees at 2PM.
Where: The McNaughton Stage of NewPlace Theatre Center