by Dakin Matthews
World Premiere of a rhyming verse drama
The Play: In the midst of building his new multi-million dollar cathedral, the Archbishop of Los Angeles, Matthew Cardinal John, is warned of a possible financial scandal in the neighboring diocese of San Miguel. He sends his Canon Law expert, Father Paul Muñoz, to investigate; and after a meeting with Sister Dominic, the nun who issued the original warning, Father Muñoz realizes that there are indeed substantial financial irregularities and sets up a further meeting with the suspect, a young Irish priest named Kieran O'Reilly. Meanwhile the Cardinal contacts the bishop of San Miguel, his old friend and classmate Aloysius Thornton, to advise him of the ongoing investigation.
In the meeting with Father O'Reilly, Father Muñoz and Sister Dominic discover that the scandal is deeper and even more dangerous than they first suspected. As a result, Cardinal John is forced to travel incognito to San Miguel to meet with Bishop Thornton in an effort to contain the damage. What comes out in their meeting brings the whole sad story to its surprising conclusion.
Dates: April 8 - May 1, 2004. Opened: April 9, 2004.
Re-opened: October 14 - November 21, 2004.
Where: McNaughton Stage of NewPlace Theatre Center
Click here for an excerpt. → The Prince of L.A.
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