by Agustín Moreto, in a new rhyming verse translation by Dakin Matthews
West Coast Premiere
The Play: Moreto's comedy about a Count and Princess who have both kept their vows never to fall in love—until of course they meet. Originally written in 1654, El desdén con el desdén is a staple of the classical Hispanic repertory and one of the most popular plays to come out of Spain's Golden Age. The Antaeus production is the West Coast premiere of this translation, before its tour to the international Siglo Festival at the Chamizal Theatre.
Dates: February 18 - April 4, 2004. Opened: February 25, 2004. One night tour to the Siglo de Oro Festival at the Chamizal Theatre in El Paso: March 6, 2004
Where: McNaughton Stage of NewPlace Theatre Center
Click here for an excerpt. → Spite for Spite
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